Roger "made our" Day
Posted 15th July, 2008 in by Andrea
The Hoover Public Library strikes again, and brings in fabulous entertainment.
Ever since I took Ayla to see Roger Day last summer, I've been anxiously awaiting his performance again this summer. I even roped Ben in to come see it with us, because all year we've been listening to his music with Ayla. She routinely asks for the "Hippo" song which is actually the "Rhino" song called "It's a No-No to Kiss a Rhino". (He does have a hippo song too..."Hiccuppopotumus".)
Roger Day is silly, fun, talented, and entertaining for all ages. The kids LOVE him (as well as the moms & dads!):
Ayla clapped and danced and did arm movements to all the songs. Last year she couldn't even walk! My how things change.

You can hear samples of his music and see where it can be purchased at his web site:
I highly recommend his CDs and DVDs for anyone with pre-school kids. It's catchy! Even my brother-in-law (I wont say which, but only one has pre-school age kids) was caught listening to Roger Day on his mp3 player at the beach....with no kids in sight....
3 comments so far:
Shelley Burkett said:
Roger graduated from the same high school I did (Gardendale) - and I *think* my mom taught him piano. I remember going to Auburn with he and my mom and some of the other high school kds for a voice competition. My mom accompanied him..... anyway, it is really cool to see what he's doing with his life.
Looks like little Ayla had fun - I can't believe how big she is getting. Miss you!
elizbailey said:
I had no clue you were taking a video of the performance. LOL Great accompaniment =). Thanks again for the playdate. I enjoyed getting to chat and see all your AWESOME work! I apologize again for Savannah's cranky mood, she zonked out on the way home.
marisanokes said:
Looks like it was loads of fun @ the library!!! I might have to pick up a CD, I am always looking for something to have in the car for Isabella to sing to in the morning (just to change it up) and also for the kids I work with at school. They all really enjoy anything that they can sing/dance/move around to. I would also recommend another good group that have songs out for lil ones in Pre School, The Laurie Berkner Band. They have LOTS of catchy songs that range across different things but mostly animals. My favorite is "Im going to Catch you" and its singing about catching someone through the days of the week so its a fun song to dance and sing to. Lots of arm and leg movements. Every kid I had listen to this CD has loved it and it also leaves the song in the head of many adults (myself included)
For more info check out
Marisa =)
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