Etsy Shirts at Aldi Prices
Posted 2nd August, 2008 in by Andrea
Earlier this week I was admiring some screen-printed tank tops at an Etsy shop, wishing I could buy them. But, seeing as I wear them primarily to yoga classes and I have about 15 ribbed tank tops already, $27 seemed a little steep. So imagine my delight when I ran across these at Aldi today for only $4.99:

Granted, they're not *quite* as cool as the Etsy shop version (and the model is missing the *so cool* tattooed arm band), but a $4.99 shirt satisfies my desire for a new shirt...for now! :)
3 comments so far:
bienaseliz said:
LOL about the armband tattoo remark! Those shirts are so cute. I wish we had Aldi out here. :)
acmickelson said:
Is that you playing model in the second picture? Wow! You're better looking that a professional model! Yay you! Oh, and the shirt's nice too. :)
Prlinehan said:
The red one looks A LOT like the etsy shop tank tops. Yay you!
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