A Week in the Life - Monday
Posted 13th October, 2008 in by Andrea
I'm late to the party, but I'm jumping on board with Ali Edwards' challenge to document a week in my life. After seeing her album and everyone else's that participated, it inspired me to document a regular week in our life...no matter how boring it is! I may look back one day and dream of these laid-back days with only one kiddo. I'm also writing a play-by-play of everyday, but I'll only bore you with the photos! :)
So here goes....Monday, October 13, 2008 looked a little like this:

6 comments so far:
acmickelson said:
I had to laugh at the picture of you sitting out in the hall reading - would that be you supervising the bath time? I do the exact same thing. For some reason, sitting in the bathroom itself just isn't as nice.
I also think you may have forgotten one important photo - the one of you taking all the pictures. :)
I love this idea. We always forget to photograph (or write about) the boring every day details that together make up the fabric of our lives. Well done!
wbcradic said:
I've been watching ae's week-in-the-life stuff on her blog. Such a neat idea!
Ben said:
I knew you would be taking pictures...I didn't know you would be giving a play-by-play of our/my life on your blog. Here's today's summary: I'll be in my office with the door closed.
Andrea said:
The play-by-play has been removed. :) It couldn't possibly have been interesting to anyone else anyhow! I'll continue to share the photo collages.
Andrea said:
ps...aren't you glad I don't do this EVERY day? What a boring blog that would be...
RLO05 said:
What a great idea!!! I'm gonna TRY it next week. Try is the key word :)
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