the Scrap Tutor days!
Posted 26th October, 2008 in by Andrea

(For those who don't know, Ben and I produced two volumes of CDs of scrapbooking classes with lessons and videos called Scrap Tutor. This was several years ago when we owned When we sold to, we also sold them the Scrap Tutor series, so I hadn't thought about them much in a while.)
Tonight I came across some of the videos and just had to re-watch a couple of them. It brought back some vivid memories of designing projects, writing video scripts, and proofreading lessons. Developing Scrap Tutor was an exciting time for me and Ben and the end result was the perfect marriage of our skills.
I got a good chuckle out of watching some of the videos tonight, but really....although some of the techniques and projects are a little dated now, I'm still awfully proud of of the content and videos we produced.
If you'd like to check them they are!
2 comments so far:
Prlinehan said:
Very informative ...(and your nails look very nice :) )
wbcradic said:
I remember when you got that manicure so that your nails would look perdy for the camera. :)
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